Revise Legal Professions Act to make it relevant today-UG Chancellor
She noted that the world has changed exponentially since the Act was adopted about 62 years ago thus the urgent need for its revision to reflect these changes and make the training of lawyers more relevant and in tune with today’s world.

Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Mrs. Mary Chinnery Hesse has called for the revision of the Legal Professions Act in order to bring legal education in tune with modern issues and trends.
She noted that the world has changed exponentially since the Act was adopted about 62 years ago thus the urgent need for its revision to reflect these changes and make the training of lawyers more relevant and in tune with today’s world.
Speaking at the University’s Congregation Ceremony for graduating students of the Faculty of Law, the Chancellor further called for the need to balance the training of a large number of lawyers with quality education as well as the provision of human and material resources to the institutions in order to have an effective and efficient legal education in the country.
Additionally, she tasked the graduands to continue with their advocacy roles because it plays an integral role in ongoing discussions in the different areas of our national life and most importantly help to “bring the gown to town.”
In all, 150 students who graduated from the Faculty for the 2021 / 2022 academic year were awarded the first degree in Law with Miss Davina Seyram Gbedy being adjudged the best graduating student.