Practice Direction Alert: Drawing up entry of Judgment: Ken Kwame Asamoah vs. State Insurance Company [2022] DLSC 11430

Full Practice Direction available in attached document. Subscribe to Dennislaw to read the case

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The Supreme Court presided over by His Lordship the Chief Justice, Anin Yeboah CJ, has given Practice Direction with regards to the drawing up of Entry of Judgment in a civil suit.

The court speaking through Amegatcher JSC observed that leaving judgment creditors or their lawyers to interpret judgment and draw it up in a notice of an entry of judgment without recourse to the Court Registrar or the Court itself poses a problem for the administration of justice. In the words of the learned Justice:

"Many parties to litigation before our courts suffer injustices when compelled to satisfy judgment debts they have not incurred. They are, then thrown out of their businesses. Others suffer the brunt of wrongful demolishing of their
properties arising from such false representations drawn up in the entry of judgment."

In this regard the Supreme Court, per Amegatcher JSC, has given the following Practice Directions to guide parties, lawyers, judges and Registrars in the drawing up of the Entry of Judgment so as "to avert similar injustices in the future which invariably taint the reputation of the judiciary.

Read the full Practice Direction in the attached document and the full case on