Any student of KNUST shall be dismissed if - Council
Key among the 6-point statement is the fact that ‘Any student who participates in the organization of ‘morale’ and/or ‘procession’ shall be SUMMARILY DISMISSED.

After the recent clash between two KNUST male halls thus University Hall called Katanga and the Unity Hall known as Conti, there have been several arrests and some prosecutions.
In addition to the above, the Council of the University met to deliberate on Hall clashes in general as pertain to the University and has come out with its decision per a statement dated August 26, 2022.
Key among the 6-point statement is the fact that ‘Any student who participates in the organization of ‘morale’ and/or ‘procession’ shall be SUMMARILY DISMISSED.
Also, the University’s Council has from the 2023/2024 Academic year, abolished the Junior Common Room(JCR) System of Hall Management by students. Per this decision, there shall be no student elections for hall executives in the school.
Furthermore, any student who is caught to be harboring dismissed, rusticated, withdrawn students and alumnus/alumni in his /her room in any of the Halls of Residence on the campus shall be sanctioned appropriately.
Additionally, the Council notes that students who indulge in any act which warrants dismissal will have their names and pictures widely published in the National Dailies and on the University Website.
For the attention of the University community, students who are rusticated for various offenses will have their names and pictures published internally.
The council has therefore condemned the recent disturbances and supported the ongoing investigations by the Ghana Police Service and the University Authorities.
It is the council’s decision that any person/student found culpable should be dealt with according to the rules of the University and those requiring further prosecution by the state should be handed over to the police.