Domestic Violence: Support Centre, App launched for victims-Ken Ofori-Atta
On human trafficking, the minister indicated thatthe Ministry provided comprehensive trauma-informed care to 503 victims of Human Trafficking in Human Trafficking Adult and Children’s shelters

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection collaborated with stakeholders to launch the Orange Support Centre which operates using a toll-free line and BOAME App for ease of case reporting and resolution.
Furthermore, the Ministry will in 2022 operationalize the Victims of Domestic Violence Support Fund and continue to provide shelter and support to victims and survivors of domestic violence.
Presenting the 2022 Budget statement to Parliament on Wednesday, November 17, the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta also noted that guidelines have been developed for paralegals to handle issues of Sexual and Gender-based violence and a Domestic Violence Information Portal.
He noted that this will serve as a national source of data on domestic violence and child marriage.
“Mr. Speaker, the Ministry developed guidelines for paralegals on handling issues
of SGBV and a Domestic Violence Information Portal (DVIP) to serve as a national
source of data on domestic violence and child marriage,” he said.
Moreover, the Minister mentioned that families of domestic violence victims will be trained next year and intensify awareness on domestic violence, child marriage, SGBV, and FGM.
“. In 2022, the Ministry will train families of domestic violence victims and intensify awareness on issues of domestic violence, Child Marriage, SGBV as well as dangers of the practices of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM),” he indicated.
Additionally, Mr. Ofori-Atta said that the new National Domestic Violence Policy and Plan of Action will be printed and disseminated.
“In addition, the Ministry will print and disseminate the new National Domestic Violence Policy and Plan of Action, the DV Act, 2007, Act 732, and its accompanying legislative instrument, L.I. 2237 (2016),” he noted.
On human trafficking, the minister indicated thatthe Ministry provided comprehensive trauma-informed care to 503 victims of Human Trafficking in Human Trafficking Adult and Children’s shelters. The Ministry also supported the reintegration of 55 victims of human trafficking into society.
In 2022, the Ministry will provide comprehensive trauma care to survivors of Human Trafficking, and review, finalize and implement the Human Trafficking National Plan of Action (NPA) in the areas of prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership