Did the Methodist Church sue an MTN pole mast?
The Methodist Church has listed an MTN pole mast in a recent suit filed at the Sogakope High Court. Here's why we are intrigued.
This headline is not clickbait, however much we would have liked it to be. On 28th February, 2022, the Registered Trustees of the Methodist Church of Ghana Conference Office brought an action against some seventeen persons – and a thing in suit number E1/33/2022 at the Sogakope High Court. Their case? They alleged that these entities (thank God this word exists) have encroached a piece of land that has been in the Church’s possession since 1933!
When the lawyer issued this writ, it is perhaps possible that the frustrations from having to deal with seven persons – and a thing had gotten to him. At this moment, we only wonder how he was able to serve all the defendants, including this thing. If we have to name it at this point, yes, it was a pole mast belonging to MTN. The church had sued the pole!
Therefore, our wonderment lingers. We like to think we have a good imagination. After all, it is what drives our innovative business operations. Even then, we will take a pause when we have to imagine the MTN pole mast being served this writ of summons and having to make an appearance in court. There are some among us who are convinced the robot uprising will occur one day. Yet, it will take a lot for these persons to be convinced that this uprising will start with telecommunication pole masts making appearances in court.
Make no mistake, the Methodist Church is an incredible institution. We have witnessed the church’s devotion that has been at the fore front of several social transformation projects. Perhaps, it is this benevolence that has made sure this gracious summons will reach all persons – and things … wait, we called them entities. You should be excited at the church’s strict no-discrimination stance.
For this author, this could be the day we see the revolution of trees, mallets and pole masts in a way we will never see again. We will be here for more.