Burial mass of Mr. Felix Ntrakwah scheduled for February 20
Specifically, his burial mass will take place on Thursday, February 22, at the Christ the King Catholic Church, Cantonment, at exactly 7:30 am, where there will be a filing pass, moot court, and reading of tributes as well as Mass.
The funeral and burial service for the late Felix Ntrakwah, founder and chairman of Ntrakwah and Co., who died on December 31, 2024, has been scheduled for February 20-23, 2025.
Specifically, his burial mass will take place on Thursday, February 20, at the Christ the King Catholic Church, Cantonment, at exactly 7:30 am, where there will be a filing pass, moot court, and reading of tributes as well as Mass.
Subsequently, there will be a reception at 12:30 pm at House No. 28 JosifBroz Tito Avenue, Cantonment Accra.
There shall be a private burial at Denkira Asikuma.
On February 23, at Denkyira Asikuma, there will be the Thanksgiving Service.
Kindly note that the prescribed attire color for the burial and funeral rites should be black, while the one for Thanksgiving is black and white.
Felix Ntrakwah is one of Ghana’s most prominent and respected lawyers—a leading expert in company law and corporate counseling, and a major influence on current Ghanaian business law.
Mr. Ntrakwah’s legal achievements are significant, but his reputation also reflects accomplishments in the corporate and commercial spheres. Doing business in Ghana requires extensive cooperation between public and private interests. Mr. Ntrakwah offers ample experience on both sides.
He contributed extensive services and expertise to the divestiture of several state-owned enterprises, including Ghana Oil Palm Development Company Limited. And he was the project legal advisor to the successful listing on the Ghana Stock Exchange of Produce Buying Company Limited and Cocoa Processing Company Limited.
He is one of the most-recognised Ghanaian experts in corporate law and intellectual property, and has been instrumental in making corporate counselling and corporate governance an area of expertise for contemporary Ghanaian lawyers.
He has conducted cases leading to landmark decisions in company law, commercial law, intellectual property law and constitutional law amongst others. Other accomplishments include:
- Appointment by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in 2012 as an Alternate member of the ICC court of International Arbitration
- Part time lecturer in International Commercial Arbitration at the Faculty of Law, University of Ghana for the LLM/MA Arbitration programmes 2014 and 2015
- A member of the committee of experts for the reform of the business laws in Ghana. The first product of the committee’s deliberations is the draft companies Bill currently before parliament
- A member of the committee of Experts who reviewed GARIA proposals for the law on restructuring of companies and made recommendations to the Attorney General
His special areas of expertise include business development, legal interpretation, restructuring and reorganisation, banking and finance, commercial law and intellectual property. He is recognised as an expert in legal drafting and in the interpretation of Ghana’s Companies Act 1963 (Act 179).
He was also a member of the team of legal experts who drafted the Model Law on Trademarks for English-speaking Africa for the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
Mr. Ntrakwah has extensive exposure in banking and finance in Ghana. He was a director of Ghana Commercial Bank LTD (now GCB Bank Ltd).
Mr. Ntrakwah also serves on the Boards of various companies, including Financial Investment Trust of Bank of Ghana, Mainstream Reinsurance Company Limited, and The Royal Senchi Limited.
- Observations in the Development of Corporate Law Practice in Ghana
- The Legal Practitioner and the Delivery of Justice (the Corporate Lawyer’s view point)- Ghana Bar Association – continuing legal education programme
- New Developments in Corporate Law Practice (CLI)
- The Mistakes, Assumptions and Ignorance of Professionals and Laymen in Company Formation and organization (CLI)
- Directors Fees, Directors Remuneration and Director’s Emoluments – the unfinished business in corporate governance (CLI)
- Some Reflections on Company Secretarial Practice (CLI)
- The Temptations of the Company Secretary – the DO’s and DON’T’s of drafting minutes (CLI)
- Corporate Social Responsibility Debate in Ghana (Commonwealth lawyers Association (Hong Kong)
- The Non – Executive chairman – the Myth, the Law and the reality (CLI)
- The Faces of Arbitration in Ghana (CLI)
- Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility – The Ghana Experience in the Gold Mining Industry (a lecture delivered at the International Bar Association Conference in Lagos)
- Corporate Social Responsibility (Commonwealth Secretariat/Chatam House International Seminar, London)
- The Art and Science of Minute taking (continuing legal education of the Ghana Bar Association)
- Managing Risk to corporate reputations(2015 Commonwealth Lawyers Association conference, Glasgow, Scotland)
- “Legal issues in Privatization in Ghana”, Euromoney Publication, 2002/2003
- “Public concerns about Privatization in Ghana”, Euromoney Publication, 2003/2004
- “Banking Litigation in Ghana”, Euromoney Publication, 2003/2004
- “Corporate Governance in Ghana – No more a matter for the Boardroom”, Euromoney Compliance Handbook, 2004
- Due Diligence in Ghana (published in the Banking and Financial Law Review)
- The legal position of the Company director under Ghanaian Law (published in the Banking and Financial Law Review)
- Co-author of the book, “Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance of the 21st Century”-(Kluwer Law International)
Post Graduate Diploma in International Tax Law (Switzerland)
Diploma in French: Alliance Francaise de Paris
Barrister at Law: Ghana School of Law
LLB. (Hons): University of Ghana, Legon
Ghana Bar Association
Corporate Law Institute
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK)
International Bar Association (London)
Commonwealth Lawyers Association
Fellow at Litigation Counsel of America