522 Candidates pass 2022 GSL Entrance exams
This number represents about 20% of the entire number of 2654 who sat for the exams per the pass list released by the Independent Examinations Committee(IEC) of the General Legal Council.

A total of 522 candidates who sat for this year’s Ghana School of Law Entrance exams have passed.
This number represents about 20% of the entire number of 2654 who sat for the exams per the pass list released by the Independent Examinations Committee(IEC) of the General Legal Council.
The 90 minutes paper which comprised two compulsory questions selected from the six(6) basic subjects required for admission, took place on Friday, September 23, 2022.
Last year, 2824 candidates sat for the exams out of which only 790 representing 28% passed.
However, an additional 499 were admitted later by the Ghana School of Law soaring up the number compared to the previous year.
In 2020, a total of 1,045 candidates representing 38% passed out of a total of 2,763 candidates who sat for the Ghana School of Law entrance exams.
In that year, 1718 representing 62% sadly could not meet the 50% pass mark set for qualification into the school.
Notwithstanding, this number was a significant improvement on what was experienced in the 2019 entrance exams.
A total of 128 of the 1,820 candidates who sat for the exam passed to enroll in the Ghana School of Law.
We congratulate the 522 successful candidates and to those who couldn’t make it this year, we wish you well as you prepare to take up another opportunity next year(2023).