10 more courts in Central Region to be connected to ADR end of 2022
The addition of the 10 courts to the programme means all courts in the Region will be connected to ADR.

10 more courts in the Central Region will be connected to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) programme by end of 2022, the Central Regional ADR Coordinator, Mr. Abdulai Yakubu has disclosed.
Currently, only 24 out of the 34 courts in the Region are connected to ADR. This addition means all courts in the Region will be connected to the programme.
The move is to ease challenges associated with accessing ADR services in other districts.
Mr. Yakubu however indicated that to help the current situation, mediators have been stationed in all districts until all courts in the Region are connected to ADR.
“But to help release that stress, we stationed some mediators at all districts so even though somebody’s district court may not be under the programme, their cases are referred and settled at their same area,” he explained.
The just ended 2022 ADR week was launched in Ho and celebrated under the theme, ‘Making Court User Friendly Through ADR.’
ADR has been adopted by the Judicial Service as part of its adjudication process dubbed “Court-connected ADR”.
The aim of the programme is to ensure that access to justice in Ghana is made easier, cheaper, non-adversarial, expeditious, and flexible to all.
Pursuant to this, the Chief Justice in a policy directive has instituted an ADR week in every legal year term to give parties the opportunity to settle their cases through mediation and to run programmes and activities to create awareness on the availability of ADR as a compliment to the adjudication process in the courts.